How do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

How do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
I strongly suggest that you read Hearing God 3 before delving into this post
Acts 2:15
“for these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day “But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass in the Last days says God, that I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh… 

Peter (by the Holy Spirit) said what happened in Acts 2 was a confirmation of Joel’s prophecy
Notice God did not say I will pour out of My Spirit upon the first church, rather He said “upon all flesh”.
Therefore, when God poured His Spirit upon the Apostles, He also poured Him upon you.
The Holy Spirit has been given already. When you are given a gift, you don’t go asking for it again, you just receive it. So also, all you need to do is receive Him by faith.

Remember, the first experience you must have of the Holy Spirit is receiving His indwelling presence. To receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you must be borne again (see end of post to say salvation prayer)
If you are borne again, then you can receive Him right now. The Spirit has been poured out on all flesh (which includes you) just receive Him by faith. Say this: "Lord I believe You have poured out your Spirit upon me so I receive Him now by faith in Jesus name".
When you have done that, take a step of faith and begin to speak as He gives you utterance. You will not understand what you are saying. As far as your mind is concerned, you will be speaking ‘nonsense’. God’s word said it (1cor 14:2, 14) so don’t be surprise just speak in faith.

These are two activities that would keep your spirit alert. Speaking in tongues and meditating on the word of God. When your spirit is alert, the leading of the Holy Spirit becomes clearer to you.


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