The challenge most believers face when it comes to the leading of the Spirit is that we are not able to differentiate between the voice of God in our hearts and when it is just us thinking.

The first step here is to understand that there are two experiences every man should have of the Holy Spirit; the first is the born again experience where Christ comes to dwell in your heart in the person of the Holy Spirit. It is called the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. As long as you are born again you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you but then you need the second experience which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is the experience the apostles had on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). This is also an experience of the infilling of the Holy Ghost.
This experience ushers you into a higher level of the supernatural. It’s a place where you can commune with God more easily and clearly because you now carry in you the fullness of his spirit.
The first evidence of the infilling of the Holy Ghost is that you will speak in tongues. When you read through the book of Acts whenever a man or woman got filled with the Holy Ghost, they spoke in tongues. Jesus speaking in Mark 16:17 said;

And these signs shall follow those who believe, in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues. 

Speaking in tongues is for every believer and not just some selected few. All you need do is receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit and He will inspire a language in your heart. It is not like any language of man, it’s the tongues of angels (1Cor 13:1). It’s not learnt. Rather, men speak as they are inspired of the Holy Spirit (Act 2:4). It’s not a language your senses can understand. Actually it does not involve your mind; it’s your spirit communicating with God in a language neither man nor the devil can understand. Your senses are unfruitful but in the spirit you are speaking mysteries with God (1cor 14:14),

This is an activity that makes your spirit active and your mind dormant because of that, it becomes easier to discern what God is placing in your heart to do. Any believer who wants to hear from God more clearly should speak in tongues. When you speak in tongues you communicate supernatural mysteries that your senses otherwise cannot know.
In our next post, we would be dealing with the ‘how’ question.
How do I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

The Lord loves you and wants you to come to Him. He wants you to take in yourself His very life. If you are making the decision to heed His call, say this prayer below with all seriousness.

Lord your Word says in Rom. 10:9, 10 that if I will confess you Lord over my life and believe that you died for me, I will be saved. I believe that you died for me and I confess that you are Lord over my life. Hallelujah! I am saved. I am a new creation. Praise the Lord.

If you just said the prayer above, congratulations and welcome to the Family.
We’ll love to hear from you. For suggestions, counselling or prayers, 
Call: 08037215003, 08026158226 
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